Praça dos Três Poderes
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Brasília Travel info
One may say that the Praça dos Três Poderes is the main reason of the existance of Brasília. The entire city was planned and built with this Square in mind.
Praça dos Três Poderes means Three Powers Square.
The seats of Legislative, Executive and Judiciary Powers are located around the square, making a nearly equilateral triangle.
The two tall buildings in the middle of the photo are part of the Brazilian Congress. The visible white half sphere is voting chamber of the Deputies Chamber. There is also another half sphere (hidden behind the tall buildings) which is the voting chamber of the Brazilian Senate.
The flat building at the right border of the photo is the Palácio do Planalto, seat of the Executive Power. The President of the Republic and direct advisors work here; the residence of the President is in another Palace, the Palace of Alvorada.
The two avenues lined with buildings are the two ways of the Monumental Axis. Each of the buildings is a Ministry. This sector of the Monumental Axis is called Esplanada dos Ministérios.

Brazilian Congress

Executive seat

Supreme Court
The other flat, smaller building in front of the Palácio do Planalto is the main building of the Supreme Federal Court; this is where the eleven Justices of the Court have offices. The black building at the lower left end of the photo is the Annex of the Supreme Court, where administrative staff works.
Check out this page with an aerial map of the area.