See also:
Brasilia homepage
Brasilia is the political center of Brazil.
The following institutions are located in Brasilia:
»Palácio do Planalto. Seat of the Federal Administration.
»The Brazilian Congress. The Federal Parliament is composed of two chambers: the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Praça dos Três Poderes
»The Supreme Federal Court. Notice that, in Brazil, the word Tribunal is more used than Court.
»The Presidential Palace, the Congress and the STF were built in front of each other, in the Praça dos Três Poderes (Three Powers Square).
»The Ministries.
»The Tribunal de Contas da União (Federal Accounting Office).
»The Superior Tribunals (Superior Tribunal of Justice, Superior Labor Tribunal, Superior Electoral Tribunal, Superior Militar Tribunal).
The Central Bank of Brazil.
»State owned companies - Bank of Brazil and Brazil Post Services have seats in Brasilia, whereas Petrobras has seat in Rio de Janeiro.
»Government of the Federal District.
»House of Representatives - Federal District.
»Diplomatic Representations.