Brasilia is one of
the host cities
of the World Cup 2014
See also:
Photos of Brasilia
Below, some photos of commercial sectors of Brasilia.
The commercial sectors are located in between the residential blocks (called Super Quadras em Brasilia). The photos show some of the six-story residential buildings, in the back of the commercial shops.
In the original Brasilia plan, each Super Quadra should be autonomous, i.e., residents wouldn't need to leave their blocks. Each commercial block would supply goods and services to nearby residential blocks.
Nowadays, even though people buy most of their needs in big supermarkets or shopping centers, commercial blocks are very popular, particularly regarding services.
Because streets are narrow, the transit in commercial areas is usually slow. Finding a parking space may also be difficult.
Recently, more and more space in commercial sectors is being used for residence. Apartments are usually smaller and cheaper.