Brasilia, capital of Brazil & Brazil



Taxis in Brasilia

Brasilia Facts

A few tips about hiring a taxi in Brasilia:

taxis Brasilia Maybe a taxi isn't necessary; the public bus service in Brasilia is comprehensive, safe and reasonably comfortable; from anywhere in the Pilot Plan, take a bus to the central bus station, and from there you can go to anywhere else.
Brasilia has also a metro, which is not very large, but is clean and efficient.

If you are coming to the World Cup, notice that most places of interest (the stadium, the hotels and the National Congress) are close to each other - walk or take a bus.

Distances in Brasilia are longer than it seems. Blocks in Brasilia are large.
Often, it is necessary to take loops and detours to reach a specific building in an specific block.
Taxi drivers are known take advantage of all this; taking a slightly different route can add several miles to the fare meter (there are no easy way to go back to the right route).

Prices: the 12 km between the airport and the central bus station may reach R$ 60. A ride between the hotels sector and the Three Powers Square costs between R$ 10 and R$ 20 (depending on the hotel).
Check out taxi fares in Brasilia.
Best practice in Brasília regarding taxis: make use of radio-taxis, even more so than in other cities. Most radio taxis in Brasilia give discounts between 30% and 50% (no need of pre-registering, frequent using, etc).
Practically every taxi in Brasilia has a radio on board; because of this, there is usually a taxi in the neighbourhood, and it won' take long for it to reach you; besides, the radio adds to the safety of the taxi (easier to call for help).

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